A Family Travel Blog
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Week 10

Day 65 Kalbarri to Coronation Beach (just north of Geraldton)

Packed up again and headed to Coronation Beach. The scenery has changed again. We have made our way into country with lush green paddocks. Such an contrast to what we have been seeing. Also there are a lot of historical buildings that add to the beauty of the landscape. We arrived at Pink Lake which is just incredible. The pink is just stunning and such a contrast to the normal blue water. We stopped in at Horrocks for lunch. Arrived at Corronation Beach and grabbed a great little spot with our own private view of the ocean. Just magic. We went and had a little discover of the rock pools along the shore. Beautiful little spot and we assume it would be absolutely packed in summer being so close to Perth. Kids had a quiet night watching a movie, which was a nice treat.

Day 66 Coronation Beach to Sandy Cape

We stopped in at Geraldton to top up the kids books supply, we seriously can not keep up with the number of novels they are getting through. Stopped at Leeman for lunch, and had a look at Greenhead which was absolutely beautiful. We took a stroll along the brand new walking trails through the headland. Just beautiful.

Arrived at Sandy Cape, wow what a great little spot. Plenty of spaces and we scored a shady spot right next to the beach with our own private path to the beach. We walked along the beach and up the sand dunes that are so beautiful. Kids had an absolute blast rolling and jumping down the sand dunes. They were completely covered from head to tow in sand.

Another incredible sunset. Our last west coast beach sunset of the trip :(

What an incredible journey we have had so far. I can’t believe we are up to Day 66! Less than four weeks to go until we get home. I am starting to get excited to be home. My head is starting to wander home, thinking about work and all the stuff we have to do to finish off our house. It’s so strange, normally when you have a four week holiday that’s ages, but with four weeks left of the trip I feel like it’s going to fly by.

Day 67 Sandy Cape to Perth

We got a little sleep in this morning, before we set off to Jurian Bay to swim with the Sea Lions. The kids were so excited when we told them what we are doing this morning.

Arrived in Jurian Bay with plenty of time to walked along the jetty and stopped in at a little cafe for some morning tea. Just as we were about to get out of the car at the dock, an incredible sea fog rolled in. It was incredible to watch. It was so thick and fast moving, it was completely gone in 20 minutes. So cool to watch, I’ve never seen a sea fog like it!

Jumped on the boat and got all fitted with our wetsuits. Kids look so stinking cute in theirs.

We headed out to the island, and omg the sea lions are just the cutest thing ever.

We all jumped in and the tour guide went onto the island to coax some of them into the water. They are absolutely incredible! So playful and they come right up to you.

Brig and I had a couple come straight up into our face, it was unreal. They are incredibly inquisitive. Loved every minute of it.

One of the best things we’ve done on the trip!!!

Grabbed a late lunch from the bakery in Jurian Bay and ate in the car so we could push through to Perth before it got dark.

Stopped in at The Pinnacles to have a look. They are really incredible, the formations are amazing.

Drove through to Perth, it was so strange to hit traffic again. We stayed at Perth Central Caravan Park and the sites are quite small but Scotty backed us in like a Pro.

Day 68 Perth

Very, very slow day in Perth catching up on washing, and doing some jobs. The kids and I went to see a movie while Scotty went to check out the new Optus Stadium. Really quiet day for us, which was desperately needed.

Day 69 Perth

Caravan service today! Had to get up early to pack up the van and drop it off. After we dropped the van, we drove into the city to Explore King’s Park. So beautiful. And the kids had a ball collecting gum nuts.

We made out way to Little Creatures in Fremantle for a nice long lunch then meandered back to New Age to pick up the van. Mad dash back to drop the caravan off back at the caravan park, because Scotty was meeting a friend for a beer. Scotty and I tag teamed and when he got back I caught up with my gorgeous friend Estelle and we went out for dinner. It was great to catch up with her.

Day 70 Perth to Pemberton

Big drive today to make it to Ayr Sailean. What beautiful countryside heading out of Perth. It reminds me a lot of the Otways. We stopped just north of Manjimup for lunch, then onto Manjimup to do some grocery shopping and there is a great little park for the kids to have a play. There was an amazing slide there that everyone loved.

We decided to stay in Pemberton for the night, the area is just so beautiful. We visited the Gloucester Tree, that is an old fire look out tree that you are able to climb. The tree is 53m high. Scotty and Brig were the only ones that were able to do it. Brig flew up, then when she got down asked if she could do it again. It was far too high for me to even contemplate even getting higher than 20 pegs.

We stayed at a gorgeous little caravan park in Pemberton and we had Marron for entree from the local marron farm. Kids had some fun feeding the ducks at the caravan park.

Day 71 Pemberton to Ayr Sailean (just out of Walpole)

Very overcast today, kids woke up to find Australian Ring Neck Parrots outside our caravan, so we grabbed some bird seed and the Parrots came and ate right from their hands, they loved it. Watching the smiles on their faces was so precious.

Made our way to Beedelup falls which is so pretty. Brig insisted we go back to the Gloucester Tree, but we told her there is an even higher one that she could climb so we headed there.

Bicentennial Tree, brig made it the entire way up, she flew up again! A smile on her face the entire time!

A bit of exploring at Windy Harbour and Point D’Entrecasteaux where we found another Nature’s Window. So pretty. This coast line is just gorgeous.

We stayed at a great little farm stay Ayr Sailean, the kids put together a campfire and we all sat and watched the sunset.

Another incredible week.

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